Varanasi, known as one of the world's oldest cities, is a must-go-to place if you are living in India or making plans to travel India. The fact that it is located on the Ganges banks always excited me and all the fantasizing I used to do at the back of my head came true two years back when I visited Varanasi. It is a central religious hub in India where thousands of devotees come to taste the culture Varanasi has to bestow upon its people. It is the holiest of seven sacred cities in Hinduism, so it might also be considered the Culture Capital of India. As I stepped out of the airport, I was amazed to witness the crazy traffic and pollution all around the city. Being amongst such a chaotic environment was as if I was murdering my senses. But as I strolled around the town in the evening, I realized that not all of the places were heavily clustered. After then, I reached my hotel, and since I was pretty tired already, I caught some Zs. Varanasi Varanasi, India The next morning...